St Joseph's Primary School Merewether
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166 Union St
The Junction NSW 2291

Phone: 02 4961 2827

Celebrating our Faith

Sacramental Program 

This year we have 18 students participating in the sacramental program, they are: Billie D, William H, Ruari M, Beatrice P, Archie D, Hudson S, Hugo S, Dominic R, Hugh W, Ottavio M, Joseph C, Asha B, Violette A, Finn C, Andie L, Beau P, Adelaide F and Harrison C. 

Next week, Tuesday 9th April, the children will participate in Reconciliation.

Please keep these students in your prayers as they work through this with their families by praying this prayer;  

A Prayer for our Reconciliation Candidates 

Loving God 

Help us to teach our children that you love us totally and unconditionally. 

Help us to encourage our children to grow in love and to learn how to say sorry, 

knowing that you always forgive. 

Give us the courage to pray with our children and to share our faith with them as we journey together. 

We ask this through Christ our Lord. 


Easter Celebrations 

Last Thursday, eight Year 5 students reverently portrayed the final movements of Jesus and his disciples before he fulfilled His father’s plan of dying on the cross. The Year 5 students used a red cloth to symbolise important moments during that last week. The cloth was laid on the ground as Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem, it was the covering where Jesus broke the bread for the last time, it even severed as a towel washing his disciples' feet. The reenactment of Jesus’ final movement was a powerful reminder to us all. Even though he knew what His father’s plan was, he still went through with sacrificing His own life to save others. What an unselfish act of Jesus to perform! 

On Tuesday, after returning from our Easter break, we witnessed the return of the word, Alleluia, that had been buried in our school grounds during Lent. This symbolised the resurrection of Jesus and being able to rejoice in knowing Jesus’ infinite love for us all. 

Donna Morgan
Religious Education Coordinator