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26 February | Diocesan Swimming Carnival |
2 March | Diocesan Launch of the Jubilee Year |
5 March | Ash Wednesday |
7 March | Year 5 Incursion |
Dear Parents,
As we begin a new school year it is timely to reflect on the church’s theme of our Jubilee year - a year of Hope. This theme will guide us, here at St Joseph’s throughout the year, inspiring our learning, growth, and the ways we come together as a community. Just as a Jubilee celebrates resilience and joy, we look forward to seeing our students reach new heights, build lasting connections, and contribute positively to the world around them.
Our opening school Mass on Thursday had this theme underpinning it, of us all as pilgrims on a journey of hope. The Mass was a beautiful experience, with much reverence, strong voices and an immense feeling of community and tradition. The leadership commissioning ceremony was equally wonderful and we are so very proud of our Year 6 student leadership team and wish them well in their roles this year.
Thanks goes to Fr Greg for celebrating this special occasion with us and for his great words about being welcoming people as well as us all being teachers in our various roles in life, students, staff and parents. Thanks also to Mrs Leanne Skinner, who in her new role as REC prepared a beautiful experience for us all and for all those who helped with it and came to celebrate with us.

Principal Professional Renewal Leave
I will be taking professional renewal leave and long service leave from Monday March 10th and will return on Monday 26th May. This time away will include a period of spiritual reflection, a type of pilgrimage in the Shetland Islands and Italy, as well as visits to schools in the UK. I am also honoured to have the opportunity to volunteer in Rome for the Jubilee.
During my time away, I will keep you and your families in my prayers, and I kindly ask that you do the same for me. I look forward to returning with renewed energy and perspective.
In my absence, I am pleased to share that Mrs Nicole Charnock will step into the role of Principal. I have full confidence in her leadership, and I know she will have your support as she takes on this responsibility. Mrs Anne-Maree Mantach will teach 1 Blue during this time.
Remi- Therapy Dog
For the time I am away Remi, will also be taking a sabbatical or period of leave. Since she is officially my dog, though she is everyone’s dog when she is at school, she will be enjoying some down time with relatives until my return. We know she is smart but not quite smart enough to get herself off to school from Central Coast to Newcastle on her own. If any of the children feel the need, or just want, to reach out and stay connected with Remi they are more than welcome to, by sharing writing, drawings etc with her.
Kindergarten has been buzzing with excitement as our newest students embark on their educational journey! It's been a smooth transition for all, with our little ones settling seamlessly into the Kinder space. This morning most Kinder parents came along to see their children in their learning spaces and were very grateful for this opportunity. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all parents for their unwavering support and diligent preparations leading up to this significant milestone. Together, we're providing a nurturing environment where every child can thrive and grow.
School Holiday Upgrades
Once again, over the school holidays work on upgrading our school site took place. The exterior of the Infants block, including window frames and eaves etc. along with handrails in that block and hall doors, were all painted. The air conditioning in the staff room was replaced and solar panels were installed on the Administration block. New carpet and some under floor carpentry work took place in one of the Year 4 classrooms.
Student Absences
Don’t forget that it is a legal requirement to inform the school, in writing, of your children’s absences. This can be done via Compass or a written note; either way, please outline what the reason is. Please explain whether your child is sick, in isolation, attending an appointment, on holiday, refusing to come to school, a family emergency etc. Even on Compass it doesn’t suffice to just indicate they are absent – a detailed reason is required.
Families are encouraged to travel during school holidays. If travel in excess of 10 school days is necessary, an Application for Extended Leave needs to be completed. Absences relating to travel will be marked as leave on the roll and therefore contribute to your child’s total absences for the year. Please contact the office for details about these leave requests, as there is now an online document. These requests need to be made in advance of the requests leave in order for us to fulfill our mandated requirements around this. On a number of occasions last year we only received the requests a couple of days before departure. If this occurs we will not be able to issue you with a leave approval certificate and this will be reflected on your children’s attendance records. This is also significant as legally you are meant to carry with you the school issued certificate and can be asked for it at airports, ports etc.
We are very happy to announce that thanks to the generous support of the P&F we now have a brand new oven installed in the canteen. It will require some time to learn how to use it but I am sure Donna Mansour and Kristy Hatherly , our two canteen staff members, will soon master it. We look forward to seeing what new additions will be made to the menu over the coming months.
We love to have our families involved in the various services and activities we provide here at St Joseph’s, so if you would like to assist with activities such as excursions, carnivals, canteen, uniform shop, classroom activities and any other activities that may come up, please ensure you have completed all the necessary Volunteers documentation so that you can go on the approved list.
What you need to do:
- Go to Volunteer Registration
There is no longer any need to print off and complete any forms that are in the Volunteer Policy or the Code of Conduct resource that are included on this page.
- Answer the questions, then you will receive an email explaining about the police check with Verify Now. Complete this process.
- Once we have been informed that your police check has come back, we are able to enlist your services. We have been told this process can take up to 3 weeks and our past experiences have been even longer (3 months at times). So, if you think you might like to volunteer for something this year, even if is just one activity, we strongly encourage you to start the registration process as soon as possible.
Wearing the school uniform is part of our Positive Behaviour for Learning framework, where the children show care and pride in both themselves. It is also something that you, as parents, agree to support as part of your enrolment agreement. The adherence to a uniform policy is very often mentioned in enrolment interviews by prospective families as something that they are looking for in a school. We believe that over the years the St Joseph’s community has worked hard at establishing a comfortable, practical and smart looking uniform for all our students and that it helps in connecting all the students to our community.
Key Points regarding Uniforms:
- Black school shoes (not sports types shoes, without embellishments and of a ‘smooth’ surface)
- White, or predominantly white, trainers with white laces
See Uniform- School Shoe Requirements
- Shoulder length, or longer, hair is to be tied back and hair needs to be cut in such a way that it does not hang in children’s eyes or is fastened back with appropriate hair accessories. This applies to both boys and girls.
- Jewellery may include plain ‘sleepers’ or studs, without gem stones. Necklaces, friendship bands and anklets are not part of the school uniform.
- Hair accessories that are only in school colours of blue and/or gold are acceptable.
- Temporary tattoos, nail polish and make-up are also not part of our uniform.
In the case of your child not being able to wear the full school uniform at any stage, please follow our policy requirements of providing your child’s class teacher with a brief explanation through a note or email to school admin. Thank you for your support in helping us to encourage and maintain your children’s pride in our school.
P & F
Our first Parents and Friends meeting for 2025 was held on Wednesday evening, which also include our Annual General Meeting (AGM). Despite only a small group of parents attending we are very lucky to have a keen group who accepted executive positions and are very keen to support the home school connections that have always been strong here. I am very grateful to the outgoing executive team and for all the hard work and many hours work that they put in to give your children and our families so many wonderful opportunities. Please see the P&F section of this newsletter for the updates.
Pick up arrangements
In order to avoid costly fines please ensure that you follow the traffic rules for Kiss and Ride Zones. The rule is that you cannot park and get out of your car to walk your child in or to collect them. You are also not allowed to wait in a line of traffic to pick up, if you are blocking a parked car. You are required to drive around the block and keep the flow of traffic happening. We understand how frustrating this is, but we cannot do anything about this. Our suggestions are:
- Do not all come right on bell time. If you delay your arrival the cars will flow smoothly through Kiss and Ride and you will not be held up, timewise, any more than you would be, sitting in the queue. Teachers will not leave students on the footpath on their own, they will be cared for.
- Use the services of our school crossing supervisor and let your children walk across the crossing and then down one of the side streets where you will be parked. They don’t need to cross any major roads on their own and you don’t get stuck in a traffic jam. This is a particularly helpful practice if your children are in Primary.
Remember to use your laminated name cards – place them on the visor of your car, which is to be pulled down as you approach Kiss and Ride. If you need any more of these cards throughout the year or for extra family members, contact the office.
Pedestrian pickup is in the school playground or at the parish car park gates. We are continuing to use the one-way system: Enter via the Union St main gate and exit by the parish car park gates. This system ensures a safer afternoon departure practice for both students and families. We ask that you do not take offence if a staff member asks you to exit via the appropriate gates if they notice this practice is not occurring.
2025 Staff
We hope you find this list of staff names and photos useful over the course of this year.

Thank you for the preparations you have made to send your children back to school happy and organised. I hope the year has got off to a good start for you all.
Here’s to a year full of hope, discovery, and meaningful connections!
Welcome to the 2025 school year! This year promises to be a busy and exciting one. A special welcome to our new families, you now belong to our St Joseph’s school community and we’re very pleased that you’re here journeying with us. Our children are exceptionally fortunate to be part of such a special environment. We look forward to a successful and happy year of learning and fun together.
Student Council
Last week, Students in Years 2-6 had the opportunity to nominate themselves for the Semester One Student Council. Student Council members represent their peers in their class and bring suggestions forward on how, together, we can make St Joseph’s an even better community. The Student Council meets each fortnight with Ms Rozenfeld and looks forward to being an active presence in our school.
This semester the council will continue to support our PB4L, as well as involving themselves in projects that serve our school community.
Student representatives were presented with their badges at our assembly this week. Congratulations to the following students!
Semester One |
Year 2 Blue |
Arabella Bain |
Archer Hosegood |
Year 2 Gold |
Bonnie Wright |
Gabe Vitnell |
Year 3 Blue |
Isla Beacher |
Taj Lacey |
Year 3 Gold |
Ellery Kong |
Edison Orton |
Year 4 Blue |
Emelie Stewart |
Flynn McCabe |
Year 4 Gold |
Siabh Martin |
Finn Phillips |
Year 5 Blue |
Saphina Dagwell |
Hudson Smith |
Year 5 Gold |
Billie Darwen |
Aris James |
Year 6 Blue |
Aurora Loli |
Benji Smith |
Year 6 Gold |
Elodie Merz |
Billy Griffiths |
Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL)
St Joseph’s is a Positive Behaviour for Learning school (PB4L). PB4L is a comprehensive, integrated whole school approach to student wellbeing and behaviour. It is a process that supports school leadership teams to create positive learning environments that enable student learning and wellbeing.
Successful implementation of PB4L is underpinned by the support and commitment of the whole school community.
PB4L is based on a three-tiered continuum of prevention and intervention:
- Tier 1 - Universal prevention: school-wide and classroom systems for all students, staff and settings.
- Tier 2 - Targeted interventions: small group systems for students at-risk behaviourally and academically.
- Tier 3 - Intensive interventions: systems for students with high-risk behaviour and/or learning needs.
Across our school community we have identified four expectations for positive behaviour. These are
- Act Safely
- Be Respectful
- Care for All
- Do your Best
Dash the Dolphin is our specific school PBL mascot.
Each fortnight across our community we have a fortnightly PB4L focus area. The focus area for the fortnight will be shared with parents via the newsletter. We ask that parents reaffirm the message at home with their children. The current focus area is Be Respectful: Include Others.
Students will continue to receive ‘Dash tokens’. These tokens will be given out by staff as they see students doing the right thing. Fortnightly tally updates will be given regularly. Twice a term, as the tokens are gathered in sporting houses, we’ll be rewarding the colour house which has the most. These rewards might be as simple as a picnic lunch on the field, extra playtime or an ice block.
Being a PB4L school, we have formulated a flowchart to follow if students do not keep to one of our expectations. This flowchart asks staff to define ‘minor’ and ‘major’ behaviours and details a consistent procedure for all to follow.
Please take the time to read over the flowchart here
The flowchart details how minor and major misbehaviours are recorded on the student’s file in Compass. The purpose of this is to have a consistent way of keeping track of student behaviour and identifying ways we can support students in developing positive behaviour. For minor misbehaviours, teachers use their professional judgement in deciding if parents need to be informed or not. Be assured that teachers will communicate with parents about their child’s behaviour if required.
Together, through the partnership between staff, students and parents, we have this great opportunity to focus on the positive behaviours children display. This is something we really wish to celebrate as a community!
Safer Internet Day
On Tuesday 11th February many classes in our community marked Safer Internet Day. Safer Internet Day is a global day of action that brings together communities, families, schools, and organisations from more than 180 countries to raise awareness about online safety and work toward a safer internet.
In Australia, the eSafety Commissioner leads this important day, and this year, called on all Australians to help make the internet a safer, more positive place.
Here are 5 tips to help create a safer internet experience:
- Be kind: practise respect, empathy and kindness online
- Be mindful: balance your time online and consume and share positive and respectful content
- Speak up: report online abuse and harmful content
- Start the conversation: talk about online safety with your networks and communities, family, friends and colleagues
- Share online safety resources: promote online safety tools and tips with your community
To access additional resources suitable for parents from the eSafety Commissioner click this website below:
See below photos from Year 6 taking part in a live webinar hosted by the eSafety Commissioner.

Allergy Aware
An important reminder that we are Allergy Aware at St Joseph’s and we have many of our families that rely on our vigilance. This means we all need to be aware of possible life-threatening allergic reactions at school. Please be mindful as you pack your child’s lunch box each day. If your child has a known allergen food, please remind them to dispose of any wrapping appropriately and to wash their hands and face afterwards.
Safeguarding - ‘It’s everyone's responsibility’
Safeguarding in all schools in the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese
The Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle has an absolute and abiding commitment to promote the safeguarding of children.
Our previous Bishop, Bill Wright established the Office of Safeguarding, whose director answers to the Bishop’s Office and is charged to oversee the whole of the Diocese’s safeguarding of children, including the students in our system of schools.
As a parent sending your child to a Diocesan school, you are expected to be an active participant in safeguarding your child’s wellbeing. To do so, it’s important that you have the best information available to you. The Office of Safeguarding website offers comprehensive details of the Diocese’s approach to safeguarding children. You are also encouraged to be an active participant in the life of your school.
As a parent of a diocesan school student, if you are concerned for:
- the safety, welfare or wellbeing of one or more children in the school
- the conduct of a member of staff, a volunteer, contractor or other adult associated with the school
… you are able to:
- discuss your concerns with a teacher, Assistant Principal or Principal
- talk to an investigator at the Office if Safeguarding (Ph. 4979 1390, during office hours)
- report your concerns to the Department of Communities and Justice’s (DCJ) Child Protection Helpline (Ph. 132 111, 24 hrs/7 days) if your concerns constitute a risk of significant harm
- report to NSW Police if you believe a crime has been committed.
In consultation with the Diocese’s Office of Safeguarding, St Joseph’s has implemented a school-based Safeguarding Plan. This plan incorporates the 10 National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. These standards are designed to keep children and vulnerable adults safe from institutional abuse of any form and to develop habits of safety across all levels of the community.
Bus Safety Week (17-23rd Feb 2025)
Bus Safety Week aims to raise awareness for all road users on how to stay safe on and around buses.
School-aged children might seem independent, but they still need a hand. It is important to remember:
- Always meet your child at school or the bus stop. Never wait on the opposite side of the road and call them across.
- Always supervise your child and hold their hand when walking to and from the bus stop/interchange and when crossing the road until they're at least 10 years old.
- Wait until the bus has gone then use a safe place to cross the road.
- Encourage your child to take a seat quickly when they get on the bus and to buckle up if the bus has seatbelts.
Talk to your children about using Stop! Look! Listen! Think! every time they cross the road.
- Stop one step back from the kerb.
- Look continuously both ways.
- Listen for the sounds of approaching traffic.
- Think whether it's safe to cross and keep checking until you're safely across.
Further information for parents and carers can be found here:
Renata Rozenfeld
Assistant Principal
The Learning Pit
The staff at St Joseph’s are excited about the learning that will occur in our classrooms this year. They are ready to challenge their students and engage in interesting learning activities. They have already begun to implement and embed ‘The Learning Pit‘ into all aspects of the curriculum. We want our students to be engaged in rich learning activities where they are challenged and supported by each other, their parents and their teachers. Learning occurs when we are challenged and step outside our comfort zone and as James Nottingham describes it, students enter ‘The Learning Pit’. The Learning Pit is an analogy that illustrates how we learn.
Curriculum Sharing in 2025
Learning Updates
Class Learning Updates will continue to be distributed in the Class News Feed on Compass in 2025. These Learning Updates will inform you about the learning your children are engaged in at school and will incorporate learning from a variety of our Key Learning Areas including English, Mathematics, Religion, Science, PDHPE and HSIE. Learning updates will be distributed throughout the year as follows:
Term 1: Weeks 5 and 10
Term 2: Week 5
Term 3: Weeks 5 and 10
Term Overviews
Each term a learning overview for each class will be distributed in the Class News Feed section of Compass during Week 2.
Term 1: included in the class information booklets
Terms 2 – 4: distributed in Week 2 of each term.
Nicole Charnock
Assistant Principal and Primary Coordinator
Reflections from our Opening School Mass
Pilgrims of Hope
In 2025, Pope Francis has proclaimed a Year of Jubilee, generating significant anticipation among the faithful worldwide. This event’s importance is also acknowledged and respected by various other faith traditions globally. A Jubilee is a special year of grace, typically lasting approximately one year. The theme for this Jubilee is “Pilgrims of Hope,” as the Pope urges all Catholics to renew their hope in Christ. May this year support us in listening attentively and working towards ‘One Call. One Mission.,’ reminding ourselves that we are to live as pilgrims of hope!
Diocesan Launch of the Jubilee Year
We warmly invite our school community to join us in the Diocesan launch of the Jubilee Year on Sunday 2 March:
8:00am – Pilgrim Prayer at Nobbys Beach (Foreshore Park)
8:15am – Pilgrimage along the Harbourfront (Honeysuckle)
10:00am – Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral
11:00am – Festival in the Cathedral Precinct with the 2025 Launch of Caritas Australia's Project Compassion Lenten Appeal.
Bishop Michael Kennedy is inviting all communities of the Diocese to come along with their flags and banners as we celebrate and share with the Newcastle CBD the hope we bring to our part of the world.
At this event you will also learn more about our Pilgrim’s Passport, where you will be encouraged to visit our sites of pilgrimage.
For more information please visit:
Enrolments for 2025 Sacramental Program
A child’s Catholic faith journey began with the Sacrament of Baptism and continues by the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation, Confirmation and First Eucharist. The preparations for these sacraments in the Inner Newcastle Parishes run between February and June of every year and are designed for children going into Years 4, 5 or 6 in 2025.
Enrolments are now open for the 2025 program. If you are interested in being a part of the program this year, please visit the parish website and complete the online enrolment form.
For more information please contact the office on 49791101 or
We look forward to supporting your child’s faith journey.
Ash Wednesday
Please join us for Mass on Ash Wednesday. Students in Years 4, 5 and 6 will be attending Mass.
Upcoming - Project Compassion Launch
Leanne Skinner
Religious Education Coordinator
Regional Swimming Carnival
The St Joseph’s Swimming Team made a splash at the Central Regional Swimming Carnival on Monday February 10th at Wallsend Pool. A total of 39 talented and enthusiastic swimmers from the school showcased their skills in a day filled with excitement and team spirit.
The team’s performance was nothing short of impressive, with swimmers excelling in their events and demonstrating excellent sportsmanship. The students supported one another both in and out of the pool, offering congratulations and encouragement, no matter the outcome. Their conduct was a true reflection of St Joseph’s school values, and they proudly represented their school throughout the event.
Despite the weather’s challenges, the team remained resilient. The carnival paused three times due to lightning, but the swimmers maintained their focus and composure. Special thanks must be extended to the parents who braved the stormy conditions, showing unwavering support and cheering on the swimmers until the very end.
We congratulate the following students who have progressed through to the Diocesan Carnival, scheduled for Wednesday February 26th at The Forum.
100m Freestyle |
Ava K |
8yrs 50m Freestyle |
Penelope W |
Gabe V, Lennox B |
9yrs 50m Freestyle |
Alice K |
Christian B |
10yrs 50m Freestyle |
Olivia A |
Will D |
11yrs 50m Freestyle |
Billie D, Eve D |
12yrs 50m Freestyle |
Vincent M |
Junior 50m Backstroke |
Will D |
11yrs 50m Backstroke |
Billie D, Eve D |
12/13yrs 50m Backstroke |
Ava K |
11yrs 50m Breaststroke |
Billie D, Eve D |
12/13yrs 50m Breaststroke |
Ava K |
Junior 50m Butterfly |
Olivia A |
Bodhi P |
11yrs 50m Butterfly |
Billie D, Alexandra S |
12/13yrs 50m Butterfly |
Ava K |
Junior 200m Individual Medley |
Lewis K |
Senior 200m Individual Medley |
Ava K |
Junior Relay |
Christian B, Lewis K, Lachlan M, Will D |
These athletes will now compete at the next level, and everyone at St Joseph’s wishes them the best of luck. It has been an absolute privilege to manage this incredible team. I have no doubt that the swimmers who are progressing to the Diocesan Carnival will continue to make us proud.
Anne-Maree Mantach

Dio Basketball
On Friday 7th February, our talented basketball stars,
Lila K and Luca O, took to the courts in Tamworth for the Polding trials. Both students demonstrated exemplary basketball prowess and sportsmanship throughout the competitive trials, with their positive attitude showing our school’s spirit of excellence, dedication and respect. We congratulate Luca on his selection on the Polding team.
Dio Tennis
Anthony H represented St Joseph's at the Diocesan tennis trials on Friday, February 7th, competing for a place in the Polding trials. Displaying remarkable composure, he won three out of four matches in the opening round, demonstrating both skill and sportsmanship on the court. Despite a determined performance in the second round, Anthony was defeated 4-2. His achievement stands out particularly as the youngest player in the competition. Anthony's dedication and positive attitude throughout the tournament reflect the sporting spirit we value at St Joseph's.
Upcoming events
Thursday March 27th – Cross Country
Gratitude Grabs
Every Monday morning at St Joseph’s, each class is going to have a focus of gratitude during their morning prayer, with the goal of helping our students to feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships with each other. Teachers will help model the gratitude grabs at Assembly to provide examples on how we can change our mindset to believe that even when life feels challenging at times, we have so much to be grateful for.
All classes have received a ‘Mindfulness Moments’
box for theirclassroom this year to assist in explicitly teaching our students the skills of being fully present, reflective, regulated and self aware. Each box contains interocepti
on tools that help to engage all of the senses, Big Life Journals and Mindful Talk cards. Mindfulness will be incorporated once a week in classrooms and/or in our outdoor learning spaces.
This year, to empower student voice and maximise learning at St Joseph’s, we will be accessing Pivot’s evidence-based survey tools to monitor, track and support student wellbeing across Years 3-6. The Pivot survey instruments are based on best-practice research and are aligned to global teaching frameworks. Designed to be delivered in cycles throughout the school year, it provides teachers and leaders with timely insight into students' learning experience.
Second Step Wellbeing Program K-6
Second Step is a universal, classroom-based social emotional learning program that we are implementing across K-6 that teaches skills for social and academic success. The evidence-based program has been proven to increase school readiness and social success, decrease problematic behaviours and promote self regulation skills and social-emotional competence. Second Step is based on the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) framework of social and emotional learning (SEL). Second Step teaches the five core competencies outlined in the CASEL Framework: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making. Get ready for family links that will come home throughout the course of the year as student progress through the program. We can’t wait to embark on this new journey as a community.
Class Features
In our Newsletters, we will be highlighting a different class in each fortnightly edition, giving you a glimpse into the wonderful ways your children are engaging with wellbeing in their classrooms. Each teacher at St Joseph’s has a unique way of supporting the mental, emotional, and social development of their students. Stay tuned for our first feature in the next newsletter, where we will spotlight one class's approach to wellbeing. We look forward to sharing their stories with you!
Pastoral Care Worker
Welcome to Helene O’Neill who is our Pastoral Care Worker at St Joseph’s. She is known to some through her involvement in sport on all levels, to others because of her work with fellow cancer survivors, to Novocastrians as a former City Councillor and to parishioners as a committed and active member of her church community. Helene will be on site Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays supporting students and their families.
Pivot Parent Consent Form
Please read the following consent form and note that all students in Years 3-6 will be participating in Pivot this year unless otherwise stated by parents. Opt out instructions can be found in the attached letter.
Student Wellbeing Team
We will continue to have a Student Wellbeing Team made up of 20 students across Years 3-6 who will help to drive wellbeing initiatives and practices at St Joseph’s. Meetings will take place once a term.
Student Wellbeing Team Expression of Interest (EOI)
It is with excitement that we open our expression of interest to students interested in joining the Student Wellbeing Team in 2025. Those wishing to submit their EOIs in Year 3 will submit a paper copy, while students in Years 3-6 will return a Teams assignment online. EOIs close on Friday 21st February.
Settling into a new school year can take time. Whether it is starting school for the first time, moving up to a higher grade or embarking on a journey through secondary school, there is no doubt that any school transition is a very exciting time for children and parents. However, for many it may also be a very anxious and stressful time for both parents and children. If you need support CLICK HERE to access SchoolTV’s ample resources regarding transitions.
Chloe Coe
Wellbeing Coordinator
Welcome to 2025
New Products on Qkr!
Volunteers Welcome
2026 Enrolments
We are pleased to announce that enrolments for Kindergarten in 2026 are now open and will close on Friday 23 May 2025.
For further information regarding enrolling in a Catholic School and to lodge an enrolment application online click here.
If you have a younger child that will be starting Kindergarten in 2026 you are encouraged to submit an application prior to the closing date.
We will be conducting student lead tours commencing in late March, further information regarding dates and times will be communicated to families in the coming weeks.
Year 7
Please find attached an update from our Head of Catholic Schools, Jacqueline Wilkinson, on the enrolment process for Year 7, 2026.
Instructions on how to apply via the Compass App and Browser are below for your information.
Term Planner

Unless otherwise stated, the advertisements placed in this newsletter are placed by independent third parties who have no legal relationship with the Diocese. The activities or services of the advertisers are not supervised or controlled in any way by the Diocese. The Diocese is not in a position to endorse the advertisers or the services provided and makes no representation about those matters. Accordingly, the Diocese cannot accept any responsibility for the advertisers or the activities or services that are the subject of these advertisements.
Introducing our 2025 P&F Committee
On Wednesday night we held our P&F AGM. We are excited to introduce our new committee and extend our sincere gratitude for the time dedicated by the previous members.
The P&F plays an important role in strengthening the connection between families and the school, we organise events, fundraisers, and initiatives that enrich our children’s learning experience and our school community.
This year’s executive are:
- Renee Mantle – President
- Elise Grist – Vice President
- Claire Collins – Treasurer
- Claudia De Witt – Secretary
We appreciate that attending meetings is not achievable for most people, but understand many of you are interested in being involved without the long-term commitment.
To this end, in the coming weeks we’ll send home an expression of interest form where you can elect which event/s (think discos, welcome cocktail party and Mother’s/Father’s Day breakfasts) you are available to support – this could be volunteering on the day, donating raffle prizes, making a few calls to get the event off the ground etc. There’s also an opportunity to be a class parent and let’s not forget, volunteer at the canteen.
You don’t have to do anything else, just commit to one thing.
The more hands, the stronger our community.
We also want to take a moment to sincerely thank our outgoing P&F members for their time, effort, and dedication to our school over the past year(s).
A special thank you to:
- Scott McShane - President
- Trudy Craig - Treasurer
- Jane McGready - Secretary
- Priscilla Officer - Event Manager
- Kristy Waddell - Communications Representative
Your contributions have made a lasting impact, and we are truly grateful.
This year is the last year of the P&F as we know it. While we are working out how this will look for us and our school, we’re looking forward to some great things in 2025 - together, let’s make this a fantastic year for our kids and the school community!